
Vince McMahon Considering Barring All Fans From WWE Hall Of Fame After Bret Hart Attack

Bret Hart was tackled during the WWE Hall Of Fame event. It came out of the blue, but there were plenty of people around to help beat the stuffing out of that rouge “fan.” However, it might have caused Vince McMahon to make a very rash decision.

Brad Shepard said on Oh, You Didn’t Know that Vince McMahon was very upset about Bret Hart getting attacked during the WWE Hall Of Fame. In fact, he is toying with the idea of not letting fans into the ceremony ever again.

“Vince McMahon was red-faced steaming mad over the incident with Bret Hart at the Hall Of Fame. By the way I was told that it’s not easy to make that happen. I was told that this may be the final straw for fans attending the Hall Of Fame ceremony or at least limited fan attendance at the Hall Of Fame ceremony.”

Sometimes all it takes is one bad apple to ruin an entire event for a bunch of people who just want to respect legends. There was no excuse to attack Bret Hart even though his attacker was still able to come up with one.

We will have to wait and see, but WWE might need to book a smaller venue for the HOF next year in Tampa because there could be a lot less people in the building if fans aren’t allowed to attend.


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Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.


Tamela Phillippe

Update: 2024-06-11